Sloe it down a bit
by Steve Humber
on 03/03/2016
I’m a great lover of the outdoors and during the winter months I find myself walking through fields and woodlands with my dog Watson beating for one of our local shoots. A staple of these outings is Sloe Gin, a traditional drink that over the last couple of years as become quite popular. I’m a fan of this warming tipple on a cold morning and I enjoy making it too. It’s simple and I’ve put the recipe below.
The best bit for me though (aside from the drinking) is designing the labels. I even got to make a set of peg markers which could be taken home as a gift. Most of the bottles I made this year had unique labels that I could give to people as gifts. Why not have a go yourself it’s a great change to the usual G&T or go posh and add it to Prosecco!
1. Rinse and pick over the sloes, then pat dry in a clean tea towel. Using a stainless-steel fork or cocktail stick, prick the sloes and tip into a 2-litre Kilner jar, or divide between 2 smaller jars.
2. Add the sugar and gin, and seal the top. Shake well. Each day for a week, give the jar a good shake, then put it in a cool, dark place and leave for 2-3 months.
3. Line a plastic sieve with a square of muslin, set over a bowl, and strain the sloe gin through it. Decant into clean, dry bottles, seal and label. The sloe gin is now ready to drink but will improve and mature over time, so if possible make it one year to drink the next.
Here’s a couple of High Street favourites to keep an eye out for.